Fail faster, fail harder. As a self employed electrician, I learn more from my failed bids than I do from those I get. Those I don't, I always try to reach out and get the other companies' bids. Usually you can get them. It shows that you're serious about wanting the work, keeps the dialog going, and lets you see if you even want to work for the company.
Did you bid high and not get it? Low and you still didn't get it, so they're scrapping bottom of the barrel? Or they wanted something that you didn't think of, and you need to pivot what you're offering?
The other thing, is like you said you have to be hungry enough to go out and get the bills paid. A lot of people, these days, think that working for yourself is the only way to make ends meet; yet they get too afraid of what it takes to do it. I, right now, haven't paid myself in three months. It is what it is. You budget for it. You go out, and work, and get big pay days, and then lean times. Things break down. You get jobs lined up, but have time between when they start that you have to scramble to make ends meet.
You just make it work, and keep on going. If you can't do that, then find a better employer - because the stress will literally kill you if you lack the ability to disconnect from it, and simply trust that God and your skills will get you through.
Fail faster, fail harder. As a self employed electrician, I learn more from my failed bids than I do from those I get. Those I don't, I always try to reach out and get the other companies' bids. Usually you can get them. It shows that you're serious about wanting the work, keeps the dialog going, and lets you see if you even want to work for the company.
Did you bid high and not get it? Low and you still didn't get it, so they're scrapping bottom of the barrel? Or they wanted something that you didn't think of, and you need to pivot what you're offering?
The other thing, is like you said you have to be hungry enough to go out and get the bills paid. A lot of people, these days, think that working for yourself is the only way to make ends meet; yet they get too afraid of what it takes to do it. I, right now, haven't paid myself in three months. It is what it is. You budget for it. You go out, and work, and get big pay days, and then lean times. Things break down. You get jobs lined up, but have time between when they start that you have to scramble to make ends meet.
You just make it work, and keep on going. If you can't do that, then find a better employer - because the stress will literally kill you if you lack the ability to disconnect from it, and simply trust that God and your skills will get you through.
Farley lookin' gooood! Navy sure is your color. Also, music is great.
Elaine Ash