I would like to welcome Vox as a regular contributor to my Substack! He is scheduled for twice a week.

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I managed an office in Beijing for a few yrs, so had an up close view of the regulations that foreign firms had to follow. China knew it had a market that was valuable to global firms and made sure that it controlled access to its market (majority partner required to be Chinese) and equally important, how profit was used. Motorola was an example of a firm that was granted early access to Chinese markets but could not find a model to make it worth the effort. Google tried, as well. While the USA does not need to be equally Draconian in its approach to foreign investment, an America First legal framework should be instituted.

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An executive order is a good start, but it really should be law.

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Vox, I'd like to personally thank you for helping me get my head out of my ass when it comes to free trade/tariffs. I spent a career on Wall Street, swimming in essentially Keynesian "water." I never really saw the economic orthodoxies and beliefs I was taking for granted until I started reading your critiques of David Ricardo. Thanks.

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Thanks White Bull. This draws up a concern the God-Emperor recently threw out... These Golden Migration Tix he's suggesting ("Hey! Bring in a ton of money and we'll let you be Insta-Citizens!") really bothers me. Trump said there were already some 200,000 'rich foreigners; who have expressed interest!

WHY would China not buy 'seats' in this lottery (or is it just an open gate?) to move 'higher ranked' Chinese into the country, in addition to sending illegal troops over the borders and student and H1-Bs in by plane? And if "we" open entry to other countries; why would we not get sent a lot of "Argentine-Chinese" and "Africa-Chinese" generals?

It FEELS to my small-biz owner, migrant-harried, brain as if Trump is looking ONLY at "bringin' in lotsa CASH" and not at "who is the likely enemy" already swamping us with likely soldiers -- and missiles in shipping containers and literal boatloads of small arms. (I expect the "Chinese police stations" surreptitiously scattered across this country ARE the Chinese-built pre-placed armories!)

Chinese Soros-clones or just an unwise chance to buy up more farm land next to our mil-bases? (And does that matter?)

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It is on record that Trump likes to "flood the zone" with many outrageous topics so the news cycle wastes time on wild goose chases while he gets things done. Any news story about a policy suggestion sgoyld be taken with this grain of salt.

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I generally use a SHAKER full of salt... but he IS fond of importing "good" aliens. And I love watch him stampede the press! He's just not .... security / war-prep ... enough for me!!

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As others have stated, this will be a generational reboot. In many cases, both the IP and the skillset are long gone. Bringing back the `Maker' economy will have to start in high schools with the current day equivalents of `shop' class where things are made.

Will know it has been successful when one sees American robots driving Ford pickup trucks with Born in the USA blasting out the windows.

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My state has just passed a law banning Chinese (CCP) ownership of farmland. Hopefully no Hawaiian judge will notice and strike down the law. The PLA is working on buying up enormous tracts of US farmland, which is definitely not the sort of foreign investment we desire.

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Good start! Now do it to Gates...

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From your lips to God’s ear

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China has done an amazing job transforming / moving US exports to China into commodity products such as coal, oil, and agricultural.

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What do you think of Trump's prospects of getting more endurance for some or all of his policies by having them enacted into law, permanently instead of with drop-dead dates like his signature TCJA last time around?

What he's doing and trying to do is inspiring, but ephemeral, as of yet.

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Great synopsis on the new policy. Another dagger in the heart of globalism's 'free trade'.

nb I sincerely hope it is not Vox (.com, and their gaggle of betas) but indeed the estimable

Vox Day that will grace these pages. A huge difference!


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